Kilimanjaro Itinerary

Let us help you plan the

7 Days Rongai Route

Rongai Route climbs breathe new life into your adventure under Kilimanjaro’s quiet skies.

Less crowded because of its remote location the route offers trekkers a unique wilderness experience where it is possible to see large wildlife like antelope, elephant and buffalo. As there is typically less moisture on this side of the mountain you are less likely to encounter rain and have more unclouded views of the peak. While it is flatter, it does not give the climb high sleep low option and therefore recommended to select more days for acclimatization.

The Rongai route is one of the easier routes up Kilimanjaro. Rongai is the only route to approach Kilimanjaro from the north and the descent is via the Marangu Route.Summit night from Kibo Hut is steep and follows the same path taken by the Marangu route which passes Gilman’s Point to Uhuru Peak.

There are several variations; the one described is a longer route taking in Mawenzi Tarn.

  • Duration: 5,6 and 7 days
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Scenery: Very good
  • Traffic: Low

Let's Plan Kilimanjaro

7 Days Kilimanjaro Itinerary


Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport where you meet your driver. after passing through customs. Transfer to Panama garden hotel Moshi. and have a comprehensive briefing and equipment check with your climbing manager and your guide. Overnight at Panama garden hotel Moshi.

Meals Included:breakfast

Panama garden hotel

Day :1


  • Elevation (ft):6,398 ft to 9,300 ft
  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Hiking Time: approx. 4 hours

After breakfast in your hotel, you will be given an overall briefing from your guide. At 9am you will be meeting by the rest of our guides and porters and then we will drive you to the Kilimanjaro National Park. our staff will do a final cross-check of equipment and supplies and pack the vehicles. you will start driving to the Rongai Start Point at 1.950 meters. The trek begins from Nale Moru village and follows a gradual and winding trail that first crosses maize and potato fields before entering the rainforest which is occupied by various wildlife. After 4-5 hours trekking, you will be welcomed with boiled washing water and some snacks before dinner is served in the mess-tent.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :2


  • Elevation (ft):9,300 ft to 11,300 ft
  • Distance: 4 miles
  • Hiking Time: approx. 3-4 hours

You will be woken up after your first night on the mountain with a nice cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate at 06:30am in your tent. After breakfast your will start the medical checkup before you start your climb on a trail continuing up towards Kibo. For most of the day you will be walking up slopes flanked with heather and erica with a nice view on the twin peaks of Kilimanjaro – Mawenzi and Kibo and your first glimpse of the ice fields on the Eastern crater rim. Once we approach second cave our cook will welcome you in the camp with boiled drinking water and hot washing water. You can put your feet up with some snacks and a hot lunch. After lunch, there is plenty of time to relax and enjoy the spirit of the camp and to take pictures.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :3


  • Elevation (ft): 11,300 ft to 11,811 ft
  • Distance:4 miles
  • Hiking Time: approx. 3-4 hours

From Second Cave the path takes an abrupt south-easterly turn directly towards the jagged peak of Mawenzi. Traversing open moorland you stumble into Kikelewa Camp, situated by a couple of caves by the Kikelewa River with giant groundsels and lobelias flourishing nearby. The views start to open up and from Kikelewa Camp and you will see for yourself how huge Mt. Kilimanjaro is.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :4


  • Elevation (ft): 11,811 ft to 14,160 ft
  • Distance: 3 miles
  • Hiking Time:4 hours

Though this stage to Mawenzi Tarn is relatively short at less than 4-5km and it is usually completed in the morning. The climb is also steep as you gain 660m, the path shedding the moorland vegetation as it climbs steadily. The Mawenzi Tarn Hut is situated in one of the most spectacular settings, in a cirque beneath the jagged teeth of Mawenzi. In the afternoon we offer you another walk up the ridge in the west for better acclimatization. If you are lucky and the sky is clear, you will enjoy fantastic views of Kibo.

Meals Included:Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :5


  • Elevation: 14,160 ft to 15,430 ft
  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Hiking Time: 5-6 hours

This lovely day begins with a slight retracing of your steps before you strike out west-wards, crossing the ridge and dropping down the slope to tiptoe along the beautiful barren Saddle’s northern edge. With views like screensavers to east and west, this day is the most favored day on the mountain. Our destination for today will be Kibo Campsite, which offers you again a spectacular view on the Kibo.

We will arrive at the camp very early and you get served hot lunch. In the afternoon our guides will give you a final briefing to prepare you for the summit day. Time to relax, to cross check and prepare your equipment and clothing. Dinner will be served very early to give you ample time to rest and sleep. Good food, lots of water and sleep are the keys for a successful summit. We advise you to be to bed before 7pm to be rested for your wake-up hot drink at 11:30pm. nal campsite at Horombo (3,720 m).

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :6


  • Elevation: 15,430 ft to 19,341 ft to 12,205 ft
  • Distance: 4 miles ascent,10 miles descent
  • Hiking Time: 6-8 hours ascent,4-5 hours descent

The wake-up tea will be served at 11:30pm with the departure at midnight. After a hot drink and some biscuits, we will start the challenge for the summit. Our initial 6-hour climb begins in the dark with only our headlamps and guides to show us the way. Just remember the golden rule ‘pole, pole’, which means slowly, slowly. There are a number of landmarks on the way: William’s Point at 5.131m, Hans Meyer Cave at 5.259m that act as milestones break up the journey and provides you with some measure of your progress.

At Gilman’s Point (5.681m) you will see what might be the most magnify-cent sunrise in your life so far. After taking some pictures at the sign and enjoying a fantastic view of Mawenzi, we continue our climb on a part of the Marangu Route for 1-2 more hours to reach your ultimate goal – the summit – the highest peak of Africa – Uhuru Peak at 5.985m. Congratulations! You are now standing on ‘the roof of Africa’. Our guides will take pictures of you and post it on Facebook for your family and friends at home.

After a few minutes spent at the summit, due to the altitude and the cold, it is important to start our descent. After the descent the rest of our team will congratulate you and welcome you with a hot lunch at Kibo Camp. You will have the chance for a break before we start the next descent to Horombo Hut. After this long day, you can enjoy your dinner and your last night on the mountain.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :7


  • Elevation: 12,205 ft to 6,046 ft
  • Distance: 12 miles
  • Hiking Time: 5-7 hours

Once again you will be woken for your final celebratory break-fast where our team will thank and con-gratulate you in their unique, special way! This is also the opportunity for you to say thank you for their support and encouragement and show your appreciation by giving a tip. We continue our descent by passing Mandara Hut down to Marangu Gate. There you will get the chance to have a celebratory beer while the equipment is loaded in the van and then it is off to a restaurant in Moshi for lunch where you will be presented with your certificate of achievement. After lunch you will drop off at your hotel, where you can relax under a long, well deserved hot shower.

Meals Included: Breakfast

Kilimanjaro Camping

Day :8


If your time in Africa ends today our transfer team will drive you back to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) for your departure. If you have booked with us a safari or a few days to dissolve into the pristine sandy beaches and tropical waters of Zanzibar, we will be there to help you comfortably transition from your climb into your next Tanzanian adventure.

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